
The art of songwriting with The Sun Harmonic

Songtalk Radio welcomed multi-talented artist The Sun Harmonic (aka Kaleb Hikele) back to the studio for a second sharing of his song writing skills. “Born (I Have Awakened)” is a stream-of-consciousness, spiritual/traditional style a capella song that captures the losses we all endure as we grow up. “When the Well Runs Dry” switching from 4/4 to 2/4 and …

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Putting a fresh spin on the familiar with Callie Deacon

Young singer-songwriter Callie Deacon shared her exceptional songwriting talent, impressing the guys with her ability to spin familiar phrases and ideas into original ones.  Callie takes strong cues from Taylor Swift and Shawn Mendes. We talked about: why writing on the guitar is more fun than the piano (please note: this is the sole opinion of …

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Mark Martyre writes melodic word pictures

Mark Martyre is a Canadian writer and musician. His prolific song writing has produced 3 full-length studio albums since 2012: Down, Record (2012), London (2013), and Red Letters (2014), as well as several live records, and bootlegs. His music and lyrics have garnered critical acclaim and attention both nationally and internationally. Mark is currently working …

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Neel Modi and Sonja Seiler show us creative collaboration and more

Neel Modi is a multi-talented songwriter, drummer and keyboardist with an eclectic collection of recordings from the quirky to the imaginative. On this show, he presented “Depend on Me” – based on a challenge to write a song about a car accident from the brake pad’s point of view – it’s a “brake-up” song ;-), and …

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Eric Sorenson, Finding his Directions Home

Singer-songwriter and occasional co-host of Song Talk Radio, Eric Sorenson, returned to the show to showcase tunes from his upcoming EP, Directions Home, and a crowd-pleaser from his live shows.  Eric was joined by his bandmates Liz Jaremyn and Andrew Ages. Stuff we talked about: International Songwriting Competition (deadline extended to November 5) IMSTA Festa Event  – …

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Christine with the team

Just Love with Christine Gaidies

With her unique voice, inventive phrasing, and heart-centred lyrics, Christine Gaidies filled our little studio with music and conversation about “love and life”. From endings (My Hear is in the West) to sexy middles (Love 101) and the frustrations of searching for love (All I Ever Really Wanted).her songs weave a spell. Listen to the sweet …

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David with the guys

Exploring Dynamics and the Unexpected with David Dino White

Incredible guitarist and singer / songwriter David Dino White stopped by and played us some songs with original approaches to lyrics, melody and song structure. Kinda of a Violent Femms vibe. Some stuff we talked about Producer Ben Leggett Power Tab Software: sending tabs to a band before practice to speed up the process …

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Jeff with the team

He sang us good songs, he’s the piano man – Jeff Alan Greenway

Jeff Alan Greenway, backed by Cheryl Beatty on guitar and vocals, rocked our little studio with some powerful piano chops and heartfelt sounds. With a background in piano, jazz improvisation, cover and original bands, Jeff draws on his relationships to inspire his song writing. Whether it’s a call for closeness (Open These Doors), an on-again, off-again affair …

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