Toronto’s TC Folkpunk talks about only needing his electric guitar and voice to play shows and gain fans! Really fun stuff.

Toronto’s TC Folkpunk talks about only needing his electric guitar and voice to play shows and gain fans! Really fun stuff.
Our very own Janice Ho (and social media person) plays some great tunes and gives some great tips on collaborating remotely with different songwriters and how to map out a lyric so that you hit all the emotional bits.
The guys are impressed with Braeden’s talent for performance and writing song where every detail is considered in his process. He also shares a surprise he saves for live performances.
Rogers brings many insights into songwriting from his time spent in Nashville, and performs three of his beautiful songs live in the Song Talk studio – including one written and performed on ukulele!
Jessica talks about what comes first; music or lyrics, and the first song she wrote at the age of eight. She performs all three songs live in the studio.
Blair shares the very first song he ever wrote, and talks about the difference between writing from the heart and writing from the head. And the Monster Mash. CJRU 1280 AM · Song Talk Episode 45 – Blair Packham (September 30, 2014)
Christine talks and sings about joy and getting au naturel with her lyrics. Oh, and that’s not a surfboard in the photo; it’s Christine’s hand-painted-by-a-friend guitar case.
Scott B discusses stream of consciousness in his lyric writing, how to properly write sad songs, and writing a waltz.