The guys are impressed with Braeden’s talent for performance and writing song where every detail is considered in his process. He also shares a surprise he saves for live performances.

The guys are impressed with Braeden’s talent for performance and writing song where every detail is considered in his process. He also shares a surprise he saves for live performances.
Song Talk Radio’s social media guru and occasional co-host Eric Sorenson preforms two new songs on guitar and a beautiful instrumental tribute to his grandparents.
Rogers brings many insights into songwriting from his time spent in Nashville, and performs three of his beautiful songs live in the Song Talk studio – including one written and performed on ukulele!
Gary talks with the guys about using space and his influences in becoming a master finger style guitarist. And the crazy stuff he does with those capos.
Scott B discusses stream of consciousness in his lyric writing, how to properly write sad songs, and writing a waltz.
Gary Woods is an instrumental songwriter, using unique tunings on his guitar and an innovative way to use capos to create beautiful pieces of music. Check out the video from this episode of Gary explaining his custom guitar techniques.