Neel, Mike, and Phil
Neel, Mike, and Phil

How to run a youTube channel with Creative Sauce’s Mike Enjo

Mike Enjo is an Australian Singer Songwriter and Producer. He is the founder of the YouTube channel ‘Creative Sauce’ which has over 140,000 subscribers, and endeavours to open up the world of home recording to old and new musicians alike.

We talked about:

  •  Our songwriting challenge to write a holiday song – and thanks to those of you who have already submitted your songs!
  • Vinyl vs. CDs: What sounds better? | Disc Makers
  • How Mike started his youTube career by accident
  • Mike’s process: no script, just notes, no teleprompter, and record takes until he gets it right
  • Just because you’re really talented or highly skilled, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a good teacher
  • Keywords on youTube don’t matter anymore, but you can still use tools like TubeBuddy
  • How to make the ideal thumbnail image – not that it works…
  • If you want your own youTube channel, just do it…and it’ll be awful at first (kinda like songwriting, you know?), and be sure to serve your viewer

Mike’s youTube channels:

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